Modify Current IMAP Account on iPhone or iPad Print

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  1. On the iPhone or iPad, tap Settings.
  2. Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
  3. Tap on the specific Account
  4. Enter your incoming mailserver information:
    • Hostname is
    • Username is your full email address
    • Password is the same password used to access webmail.
  5. Tap SMTP
  6. Tap Primary Server
  7. Set Server ON
  8. Enter your outgoing mailserver information:
    • Hostname is
    • Username is your full email address
    • Password is the same password used to access webmail.
  9. Set SSL ON
  10. Select Password for Authentication.
  11. Select 587 or 465 for Server Port.
  12. Tap Done
  13. Tap Account to go back
  14. Tap Advanced
  15. Under Mailbox Behaviors:
    • Set Drafts Mailbox --> Draft
    • Set Sent Mailbox --> Sent
    • Set Deleted Mailbox --> Trash
  16. Under incoming settings:
    • Set SSL ON
    • Select 993 for Server Port.
  17. Tap Account to go back
  18. Tap Save
  19. Tap Done

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