- On the iPhone or iPad, tap Settings.
- Tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
- Tap on the specific Account
- Enter your incoming mailserver information:
- Hostname is mail.yourdomainname.com
- Username is your full email address
- Password is the same password used to access webmail.
- Tap SMTP
- Tap Primary Server
- Set Server ON
- Enter your outgoing mailserver information:
- Hostname is mail.yourdomainname.com
- Username is your full email address
- Password is the same password used to access webmail.
- Set SSL ON
- Select Password for Authentication.
- Select 587 or 465 for Server Port.
- Tap Done
- Tap Account to go back
- Tap Advanced
- Under Mailbox Behaviors:
- Set Drafts Mailbox --> Draft
- Set Sent Mailbox --> Sent
- Set Deleted Mailbox --> Trash
- Under incoming settings:
- Set SSL ON
- Select 993 for Server Port.
- Tap Account to go back
- Tap Save
- Tap Done